A Case Study of Quality Management for Online Education Performance Improvement in Korea.Hyeon Dae Rha, Hoi Seok Yang, Byeong Jun Ju
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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The Fourth Industrial Revolution means a transition to intelligent information society as a result of the advancement of IT technology. The need for online education is growing in consideration of changes in technical factors and social structure in preparation for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Recently, the online market size of Korea is 34,851 billion won in 2015, and it has grown by an average of 9,2% per year over the past five years. In addition, various types of online education such as Open Educational Resource (OER), Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), non-formal education, and non-formal learning have spread among individuals, businesses and the public sector, there is a need to enhance the quality of education by increasing the reliability, satisfaction, and suitability of education. Therefore, we analyzed various examples of quality management system and evaluation criteria for online education, and suggested ways to improve the performance of online education.
Von Hyeon Dae Rha, Hoi Seok Yang, Byeong Jun Ju im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text A Case Study of Quality Management for Online Education Performance Improvement in Korea. Volltext dieses Dokuments
A Case Study of Quality Management for Online Education Performance Improvement in Korea.: Volltext als PDF (: , 581 kByte; : 2021-03-21) |
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