Supporting Cultural Connections, Collections, and Reflections through Technology in Short-Term Study AbroadKevin Oliver, Angela Wiseman, Michael Cook
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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A short-term study abroad program funded by a local foundation provides teachers with a professional development opportunity in an international context. The goal of the grant is to train teachers in technology-enhanced strategies that can better introduce their classrooms to diverse cultures and cultural perspectives. Teachers practice these strategies themselves in the context of a short-term study abroad program, before ideally applying some of the strategies with students in their own classrooms. In this paper, we describe projects in each area of the program–cultural connections, collections, and reflections. Then, we discuss how the program and embedded projects have improved technology skills and increased cultural awareness for teacher participants.
Von Kevin Oliver, Angela Wiseman, Michael Cook im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Supporting Cultural Connections, Collections, and Reflections through Technology in Short-Term Study Abroad Volltext dieses Dokuments
Supporting Cultural Connections, Collections, and Reflections through Technology in Short-Term Study Abroad: Volltext als PDF (: , 165 kByte; : 2021-03-21) |
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