Best of Austria: Austria’s Higher Education e-Learning Landscape - Summary of the Status QuoHans-Peter Steinbacher
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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An empirical study was conducted to assess the status quo of the Austrian e-learning landscape in tertiary education. The study examined strategies, resources, organization and experience relating to the use of educational technologies at all Austrian universities. The surveys showed that universities, universities of applied sciences, colleges of education and private universities consistently use e-learning, although the intensity and supply vary widely. The comparatively limited use of e-learning must be viewed critically, especially at colleges of education, since an adequate strategic orientation seems to be lacking in this regard. Opportunities for further education and incentive schemes appear to be indispensable but currently insufficient at all higher education institutions. Qualitative interviews strengthened the results of the online questionnaires. Based on the numerous concrete data, the study provides a comprehensive overview, ranging from strategic objectives to practical experience, from which seven recommendations for action have been derived
Von Hans-Peter Steinbacher im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Best of Austria: Austria’s Higher Education e-Learning Landscape - Summary of the Status Quo Volltext dieses Dokuments
Best of Austria: Austria’s Higher Education e-Learning Landscape - Summary of the Status Quo: Volltext als PDF (: , 271 kByte; : 2021-03-21) |
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