A digital theater for drama based learning in the classroomSung-en Chen, Yuan-Fu Lou, Wei-Yi Wu, Yu-Fang Liu, Gwo-dong Chen
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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We introduce a new style of learning environment Digital Theater by using simple AR, VR and body motion capturing technologies. The Digital Theater enable teachers apply drama based learning in a conventional classroom. The students learn by performing or designing drama based on the textbook or knowledge content. The digital theater is designed to make the students have sense of audience, sense of role playing, and sense of living in the scenario. Thus, the students are motivated to learn in order to perform drama well. In this paper, we describe the construction of Digital Theater, possible learning models of using it, and experiences of applying drama based learning in primary schools. The digital theater has been used in formal courses continuously in language courses of primary schools for more than three years. The experience shows that improves engagement of students in learning activities and improve knowledge applying capabilities of students. In the design of Digital Theater, the system keep on evolving with consideration in (1) adoption, (2) continuously using, and (3) dissemination phases. Experiences of theses phases are also addressed.
Von Sung-en Chen, Yuan-Fu Lou, Wei-Yi Wu, Yu-Fang Liu, Gwo-dong Chen im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text A digital theater for drama based learning in the classroom Volltext dieses Dokuments
A digital theater for drama based learning in the classroom: Volltext als PDF (: , 527 kByte; : 2021-03-21) |
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