The preferred situational context scenario type for drama based learning experience in digital theater.Mahesh Udayanga Liyanawatta, Yu-Fang Liu, Yu-Tzu Liu, Yen-Hua Chen, Gwo-dong Chen
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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This research proposed a drama-based learning approach called Mini-Play which is based on Digital Interactive Learning Theater (DILT) system to help elementary school students to perform dramatically and improve their English as a foreign language (EFL) proficiency and investigate students’ perception and effect of having digital costumes and props and in other hand, what is the most preferred performing contextual situational scenario when they perform a dramatic act. Three classes of grade five that includes 91 students were participated and the results of the two experiments indicated that, significant difference of using digital costumes and props are interesting, funny and supportive to increase learning interest and storytelling and fantasy contextual scenario indicates significance difference between everyday life contextual situational scenario and statistical evidence was stated the stereotype, everyday life contexts are invalid or unsuitable and storytelling and fantasy contextual scenarios were preferred among students when studying using drama-based teaching/learning method.
Von Mahesh Udayanga Liyanawatta, Yu-Fang Liu, Yu-Tzu Liu, Yen-Hua Chen, Gwo-dong Chen im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text The preferred situational context scenario type for drama based learning experience in digital theater. Volltext dieses Dokuments
The preferred situational context scenario type for drama based learning experience in digital theater.: Volltext als PDF (: , 776 kByte; : 2021-03-21) |
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