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Digital Places: Location-based Digital Practices in Higher Education using Bluetooth Beacons

Ian Glover, Kieran McDonald
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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The physical campus is a shared space that enables staff and students, industry and the public, to collaborate in the acquisition, construction and consolidation of knowledge. However, its position as the primary place for learning is being challenged by blended modes of study that range from learning experiences from fully online to more traditional campus-based approaches. Bluetooth beacons offer the potential to combine the strengths of both the digital world and the traditional university campus by augmenting physical spaces to enhance learning opportunities, and the student experience more generally. This simple technology offers new possibilities to extend and enrich opportunities for learning by exploiting the near-ubiquitous nature of personal technology. This paper provides a high-level overview of Bluetooth beacon technology, along with an indication of some of the ways in which it is developing, and ways that it could be used to support learning in higher education.
Von Ian Glover, Kieran McDonald im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Digital Places: Location-based Digital Practices in Higher Education using Bluetooth Beacons

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