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I need a Training Program! Gamification of Online Case-based Learning

Elena Novak, Mila Rosa Librea-Carden, Yonita Weiszhauz
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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This exploratory mixed methods pre-/post-test study evaluated the instructional effectiveness of a gamified case method with graduate online students enrolled in an advanced Instructional Design course. A gamified case study, I need a Training program! was enhanced with intrinsic (suspense, uncertainty, role playing, and feedback) and extrinsic (points) motivators in order to increase students’ learning and engagement. During the case study, students completed assigned readings and quizzes, and participated in discussion forums. Before and after interacting with the case study, students evaluated their content knowledge. In addition, the goal was to examine the relationship between case discussion prompt types and the quality of students’ posts. Discussion board prompts and students’ posts were classified using Bloom’s taxonomy (1956) into lower-level thinking (Knowledge, Comprehension, and Application) and higher-level thinking (Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation). A combined analysis of students’ discussion board posts (N = 58) and their learning and attitude indicators provided support for employing higher-level thinking discussion board prompts as a means of increasing student engagement with the learning materials and participation in discussion board activities.
Von Elena Novak, Mila Rosa Librea-Carden, Yonita Weiszhauz im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text I need a Training Program! Gamification of Online Case-based Learning

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