Using Emerging Technology in Industry-Based Project for EducationAnn Stevens, Gabriel Deragopian
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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The poster is aimed to capture the audience’s attention to the challenges and implications of using emerging technology in industry-based project assessments in higher education. The poster incorporates cross-media displays to illustrate the journey of the educator, student and industry partner from planning the project to evaluating the project outcomes. It highlights the challenges, alternate pathways, innovative ideas, theory application, motivation, achievements and rewards encountered throughout the journey. The emerging technology used in the industry-based project being showcased is the early generation of Virtual Reality (VR) hardware and software. The technology was used to capture, edit and package an interactive and non-interactive 360-degree VR video for training and promotional purposes. The poster also features the initial development of an interactive 3D VR Safety Training Assessment for operating the Automatic Tray Forming Machine using gamification principles for the same company.
Von Ann Stevens, Gabriel Deragopian im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 im Text Using Emerging Technology in Industry-Based Project for Education (2019) Volltext dieses Dokuments
Using Emerging Technology in Industry-Based Project for Education: Volltext als PDF (: , 6177 kByte; : 2021-03-21) |
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