Communication Education Program - Collaborative project with elderly persons by creating digital storybooks -Taeko Ariga, Koichi Mori, Takehisa Mashimo, Nahoko Kusaka
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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We designed a program to foster communicational competence for students in higher education through a collaborative creation project. It particularly focuses on the ability to understand, be concerned with, and empathize with others in different social positions. A student pairs with an elderly person who needs assistance because of physical difficulties, and they create a digital storybook together. For implimenting our program, we developed a Web application for editing and publishing storybooks. Additionally, an original paper binder including booklets and a sketch notebook were created to elevate participants' sense of participation and guide students. The content of the education program and its implementation are described with the support of observational data.
Von Taeko Ariga, Koichi Mori, Takehisa Mashimo, Nahoko Kusaka im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Communication Education Program - Collaborative project with elderly persons by creating digital storybooks - Volltext dieses Dokuments
Communication Education Program - Collaborative project with elderly persons by creating digital storybooks -: Volltext als PDF (: , 299 kByte; : 2021-03-21) |
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