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Collaborative Postgraduate Studies in Higher Education: A Case Study of South Africa

Francis Mungofa Manzira, Willard Munyoka
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Tomorrow's Learning: Involving Everyone. Learning with and about Technologies and ComputingThis research aimed to investigate the delivery of postgraduate study through incorporation of Google Applications and Skype technologies as collaborative tools. Participants were a cohort of full time working employees from a South African cohort of collaborating universities enrolled in the Post-Graduate Diploma in Higher Education course, located in Limpopo and Western Cape provinces. The data was collected through interviews from participants on Skype and Google technologies that include Google drive, Gmail, Google docs, Google spreadsheet, and Google chat. Data was analysed through ethnographic content analysis and conversational analysis. Based on the findings, it was evident that Google applications and Skype technologies support collaborative learning. The study results show that these technologies have an important role in future delivery of academic post graduate programmes in institutions of Higher Learning amongst working employees. This study recommends use of these technologies in scenarios involving multiple institutions across the world. Cloud computing has a pivotal role in enabling online collaborative learning activities and it enhances effective skills development in cases where students cannot afford to attend courses on full time basis due to work commitments or geographical location.
Von Francis Mungofa Manzira, Willard Munyoka im Konferenz-Band Tomorrow's Learning: Involving Everyone. Learning with and about Technologies and Computing (2017) im Text Collaborative Postgraduate Studies in Higher Education: A Case Study of South Africa

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cloud computingcloud computing, Google, Lernenlearning, skype

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