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STEM, TVCs, and Makerspaces in the Indian Curriculum

Rekha B. Koul, Rachel Sheffield, Leonie McIlvenny
Zu finden in: Teaching 21st Century Skills (Seite 157 bis 169) local web 
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Teaching 21st Century SkillsIndia has a rapidly growing economy and has the second-largest population in the world of approximately 1.3 billion people. It has the highest number of youths, with the average age of 26 years, with 65% of the population below 35 years of age (UNDP, 2015). There are more than 1.5 million schools with over 260 million students enrolled, and, at a tertiary level, has approximately 864 universities, 40,026 colleges, and 11,669 institutes that cater for 3.57 million tertiary students (Koul, 2019). According to Sharma and Sharma (2015), education is organised by both State and Central Government.
Von Rekha B. Koul, Rachel Sheffield, Leonie McIlvenny im Buch Teaching 21st Century Skills im Text STEM, TVCs, and Makerspaces in the Indian Curriculum

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