ICT: an aid to inclusion? Reflections on the potential of ICT for the changing role of the special schoolChris Abbott, John Galloway
Zu finden in: Informatics and the Digital Society (Seite 189 bis 196), 2003
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Inclusion has been an aim for many national education systems but progress has, in some countries, been slow or halting. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been a key factor in the greater inclusion of individuals with special educational needs, either by enabling them to communicate more readily and widely, or by assisting them to overcome their learning difficulties. The paper examines the extent to which ICT can contribute to social change by redefining the role of the special school. A case study of one special school, given a range of support and resources, attempts to discover the potential of ICT in this area. If a school is provided with appropriate hardware and software, training in ICT for all teachers, and the support of a specialised advisory teacher, can that school develop valuable resources for the wider education community? How should these resources be disseminated? The progress of the case study is described through the use of semi-structured interviews, diaries and commentary, and a number of emerging issues are identified.
Von Chris Abbott, John Galloway im Buch Informatics and the Digital Society (2003) im Text ICT: an aid to inclusion? Reflections on the potential of ICT for the changing role of the special school Anderswo finden
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