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Definitionen von Jay Cross

Auf dieser Seite sind alle im Biblionetz vorhandenen Definitionen von Jay Cross aufgelistet.

Blended Learning
  • In mid-2002, the term blended learning began cropping up in conversation. At first, blended meant Computer learning with classroom learning. Apologists who had shortsightedly defined eLeaming as computer-only learning talked of combining eLearning with live workshops. Some people continue to define blended learning as a sandwich made of alternating slices of Computer learning and live workshops. More sophisticated practitioners were saying the blend might contain chunks of computer-mediated learning, classroom, lab, collaboration, knowledge management, apprenticeship, case discussion - whatever mix is the best way to accomplish the Job.
    von Jay Crossim Buch Informal Learning (2006) im Text Unblended auf Seite 170
  • Unstructured taxonomies created by users. Anyone can invent and pin tags on objects. An object may have an infinite number of tags. Metadata for the masses.
    von Jay Crossim Buch Informal Learning (2006) auf Seite 251
formal learning
  • Formal learning is accomplished in school, courses, classrooms, and workshops. It's official, it's usually scheduled, and it teaches a curriculum. Most of the time, it's top-down: learners are evaluated and graded on mastering material someone eise deems important. Those who have good memories or test well receive gold stars and privileged placement. Graduates receive diplomas, degrees, and certificates.
    von Jay Crossim Buch Informal Learning (2006) im Text A Natural Way of Learning auf Seite 16
informal learning
  • Informal learning is over the watercooler, at the poker game, asking the person in the next cubicle to help out, collaborative problem solving, watching an expert, or sharing a terminal for eLearning.
    von Jay Crossim Buch Informal Learning (2006) auf Seite 251
  • Informal leaming often flies under the official radar. It can happen intentionally or inadvertently. No one takes attendance, for there are no classes. No one assigns grades, for success in life and work is the measure of its effectiveness. No one graduates, because learning never ends. Examples are learnmg through observing, tnal-and-error, calling the help line, asking a neighbor, traveling to a new place, reading a magazine, conversing with others, taking part in a group, composing a story, reflecting on the day's events, burning your finger on a hot stove, awakening with an Inspiration, raising a child, visiting a museum, or pursuing a hobby.
    von Jay Crossim Buch Informal Learning (2006) im Text A Natural Way of Learning auf Seite 16
  • Learning is any non-genetic adaptation one makes to interact more effectively with the ecosystems in which one participates.
    von Jay Crossim Buch Informal Learning (2006) im Text A Natural Way of Learning
  • Learning is any nongenetic adaptation one makes to interact more effectively with the ecosystems in which one participates.
    von Jay Crossim Buch Informal Learning (2006) im Text A Natural Way of Learning
  • A wiki is nothing more than a Web site where people can write what they want, including revisions to one another's work.
    von Jay Crossim Buch Informal Learning (2006) im Text The Web auf Seite 182