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Modern curriculum development for informatics (computing science)

Personenreihenfolge alphabetisch und evtl. nicht korrekt Fred Mulder, Tom J. van Weert
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SEC IIIModern curriculum development should fulfil specific requirements which reflect developments in society. A proposed set of requirements is confronted with two actual curriculum development initiatives in the area of informatics (computing science). The two initiatives are: Computing Curriculum 2001 (IEEE-CS/ACM) and ICF-2000 (IFIP/UNESCO). Comparison shows that the principles used in these two initiatives cover the proposed requirements, although not one-to-one and with different emphasis. A difference in approach between the two curriculum initiatives, concerning the linking of societal needs and student competence development, is illustrated by explaining ICF-2000 Professional Categories and Graduate Profiles.
Von Fred Mulder Personenreihenfolge alphabetisch und evtl. nicht korrekt an der Veranstaltung SEC III (2002) im Text Modern curriculum development for informatics (computing science)
Informatics and the Digital SocietyModem curriculum development should fulfil specific requirements that reflect developments in society. A proposed set of requirements is compared against two recent curriculum development initiatives in the area of informatics (computing science). The two initiatives are the IEEE-CS/ACM Computing Curriculum 2001 (Joint Taskforce 2001) and the IFIP/UNESCO Informatics Curriculum Framework 2000 (ICF-2000) (Mulder and van Weert 2001). Detailed comparison showed that the principles used in these two initiatives cover the proposed requirements, although not one-to-one and with different emphasis. A difference in approach between the two curriculum initiatives, concerning the linking of societal needs and student competence development, is illustrated by explaining ICF-2000 Professional Categories and Graduate Profiles.
im Buch Informatics and the Digital Society (2003) im Text Modern curriculum development for informatics (computing science)

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