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Writing documents collaboratively in Higher education (II)

Quantitative results from a 2-year project study
Xavier de Pedro Puente, Maria Rieradevall, Pilar López, Dolors Sant, Josep Piñol, Lluïsa Núñez, Miquel Llobera
Erstpublikation in: 4º Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria e Innovación (IV CIDUI)
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If the first part of the results from the recent projects in innovation teaching using Wiki methodology for doing group assignments in university degrees showed the qualitative results (De Pedro et al. 2006), this second part focuses more on the quantitative results. Data came from three sources: (a) individual surveys to students using either Traditional or Wiki methodology, including closed questions (1 to 5), (b) a table where they auto-recorded the time invested per week and per type of tasks to complete the group assignment, and (c) their academic marks in the group assignments, evaluated with common criteria for both methodologies. Conclusions from the results obtained stated four main ideas: (1) Wiki methodology in big groups - 15 students - showed a clear enhancement in quality (higher marks) with less overall time devoted to finish the work; (2) Results for smaller groups were not clear, and performance using Wiki methodology seemed to depend on other factors; (3) an "editor in chief" is very important and needed for higher final quality of the work produced, regardless of methodology followed, even if this task was apparently facilitated by Wiki methodology; and (4) students using Wiki methodology devoted less time than the ones using traditional methodology in the items: "writing the work", "exchanging files and other material", and in some cases, in "structuring" and "homogenization of the style, markup, and content" of the work, as well as in "meetings in person".
im Text Writing documents collaboratively in Higher education (II) (2006)

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Miquel Llobera , Pilar López , Lluïsa Núñez , Xavier de Pedro Puente , Josep Piñol , Maria Rieradevall , Dolors Sant

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Wikiwiki , Wiki in educationWiki in education
Jahr  Umschlag Titel Abrufe IBOBKBLB
2006 local web  Writing documents collaboratively in Higher education using Traditional vs. Wiki methodology (Xavier de Pedro Puente, Maria Rieradevall, Pilar López, Dolors Sant, Josep Piñol, Lluïsa Núñez, Miquel Llobera) 4, 6, 9, 9, 2, 1, 3, 4, 1, 6, 3, 2 2 16 2 1202



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