Internet Literacy Handbook
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org., Divina Frau-Meigs
Zu finden in: Media Education (Seite 95 bis 142), 2006
Diese Seite wurde seit 18 Jahren inhaltlich nicht mehr aktualisiert.
Unter Umständen ist sie nicht mehr aktuell.
This handbook prolongs the invitation to investigate and to question the
media developed in other sections of this kit. It focuses on the Internet
and navigation on the networks. It places the Internet in a media
continuum, to which it brings an additional feature, interactivity. The
Internet is an interactive environment of communication and information
that provides access to different modalities of exchange and to an infinity
of traditional print and audiovisual media. In media education, it has
become essential for all to be capable of finding information–to search,
retrieve and process data - and of providing information - to produce and
circulate data. (Self)informing is part of (Self)educating. The handbook
thus recombines the key-concepts, the repertoires of strategies and the
suggestions of activities in the form of practical fact sheets. These are
not recipes but ideas for further explorations, on-line and off-line.
Von UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org., Divina Frau-Meigs im Buch Media Education (2006) im Text Internet Literacy Handbook Dieser Text erwähnt ...
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