Winds of ChangeCharting the Course for IT in the Twenty-First Century
Brian L. Hawkins
Zu finden in: The Organization of the Organization, 2007
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Campus IT leaders are responsible for providing a view of the technology changes that are coming over the horizon and a vision of where the "ship" of IT should be headed. The retiring EDUCAUSE president offers ten nautical maxims for charting this course for higher education IT.
Von Klappentext im Journal The Organization of the Organization (2007) im Text Winds of Change In the spring of 2005, I was asked to keynote the
EDUCAUSE Western Regional Conference. The conference
theme was "Winds of Change: Charting the
Course for Technology in Challenging Times." What
that brought to my mind was the era of the great sailing
ships of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, a topic
that has always held great interest for me. So as I sail into
the sunset, I’d like to update that presentation and offer
ten nautical maxims for charting the course of higher
education IT in the twenty-first century.
Von Brian L. Hawkins im Journal The Organization of the Organization (2007) im Text Winds of Change Dieser wissenschaftliche Zeitschriftenartikel erwähnt ...
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