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Student Content Creators

Convergence of Literacies
Joan K. Lippincott
Zu finden in: The Organization of the Organization (Seite 16 bis 17), 2007
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Beat Döbeli HoneggerDie Autorin empfiehlt, ICT-Kompetenzen von Studierenden so zu formulieren, dass sie in ihrem Fachgebiet digitale Werke herstellen können. Dies ist adäquater, als einzelne technische und fachspezifische Kompetenzen aufzuzählen.
Von Beat Döbeli Honegger, erfasst im Biblionetz am 13.11.2007
The Organization of the OrganizationHigher education needs a new framework for promoting the value of information and technology skills for undergraduate and graduate students. This new focus should speak in a language that resonates with academic administrators, faculty, and students and that deemphasizes the jargon of information professionals. Many librarians and information technologists believe that acquiring information and technology literacy skills is an important part of a college student's education. However, despite reports and standards from groups such as the National Academies and the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL), few institutions have implemented information or technology literacy educational components throughout the curriculum.
Von Joan K. Lippincott im Journal The Organization of the Organization (2007) im Text Student Content Creators
The Organization of the OrganizationIn the way that we produce content today, it is difficult to separate out where media literacy ends and where technology literacy begins—or where information literacy begins and where technology literacy ends. There is a convergence of literacies, and they can all inform academic work in separate but integrated ways. It is time to frame the discussion of literacies in the context of academic work products rather than in the context of organizational structures (e.g., library, computing, English department, media department). Faculty and professionals from a variety of areas could collaborate to develop experiences that can be embedded in the curriculum to assist graduates in becoming sophisticated digital-content producers in their professional lives. This is most certainly a twenty-first-century challenge for higher education.
Von Joan K. Lippincott im Journal The Organization of the Organization (2007) im Text Student Content Creators

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