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Integrating the Tablet PC into an English-Computing Learning Community

Christelle Scharff, Eugene Richie, Jonathan Hill
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The Impact of Tablet PCs and Pen-based Technology on Education 2006This analysis focuses on an experiment in which Tablet PCs were introduced as both a central feature of the pedagogy and as a catalyst for group work in a Learning Community that linked an introduction to computing and a critical writing course for freshmen non-computing majors. In this paper, we explore Learning Communities as models for the dissemination of technology. We discuss the two paired courses in our Learning Community and highlight some of the Tablet PC group settings and activities we developed as possible solutions to the problem of needing better ways to use technology in group settings. We also analyze the lessons learned from our experiments with group work by presenting the results of the gathered data. In addition, we suggest the possible next steps for the project.
Von Christelle Scharff, Eugene Richie, Jonathan Hill im Konferenz-Band The Impact of Tablet PCs and Pen-based Technology on Education 2006 (2006) im Text Integrating the Tablet PC into an English-Computing Learning Community

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CommunityCommunity, Computercomputer, Tablet PCTablet PC, Tablet PCs in educationTablet PCs in education

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