Tablet PC Tablet PC |
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Tablet computers (or tablet PCs) are a form of mobile personal
computer with large, touch-sensitive screens operated using a pen,
stylus, or finger; and the ability to recognize a user’s handwriting - a
process known as "pen computing".
Von Paul Atkinson im Text A Bitter Pill to Swallow (2008) Generally speaking, a Tablet PC is a type of notebook computer that has an LCD screen on which the user can write or draw using a special pen, or stylus. The two main models of Tablet PCs are (a) the "convertible" which, like a notebook, has a keyboard and a screen, but whose screen can swivel to a flat position over the keyboard when used for writing/"digital inking," and (b) the "slate," which has only a pen and screen and no keyboard.
Von Judy Sneller im Text The Tablet PC Classroom (2007)

Tablet PCs are more robust than teachers expected, but add-on ‘rubber bumpers’ are useful in preventing damage due to knocks. Several schools reported problems with the reliability of some (particularly the early) models of Tablet PC.
im Text Tablet PCs in schools (2005) 

Verwandte Objeke
![]() Verwandte Begriffe (co-word occurance) | Tablet PCs in educationTablet PCs in education(0.41), DyKnow(0.15), ![]() |
![]() Verwandte Aussagen | Tablets sind keine Tablet-PCs!Tablets are not the same as Tablet-PCs |
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da Vinci









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2 Vorträge von Beat mit Bezug
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90 Erwähnungen 
- Coordinating Networked Learning Activities with a General-Purpose Interface (John Brecht, Chris DiGiano, Charles Patton, Deborah Tatar, S. Raj Chaudhury, Jeremy Roschelle)
- Einsatzbereiche von tablet-notebooks im Schulunterricht - Fallbeispiele (Michael Vallendor, Olaf Zeiske)
- Using Tablet PC - A Guide for Educators (Microsoft)
- eLearning in Notebook-Klassen - Empirisch-didaktische Begleituntersuchung (Erwin Bratengeyer, Gerda Kysela-Schiemer) (2002)
- Leonardo's Laptop - Human Needs and the New Computing Technologies (Ben Shneiderman) (2002)
- Smart Mobs - The Next Social Revolution (Howard Rheingold) (2002)
- Handheld Computers (PDAs) in Schools (David Perry, BECTA) (2003)
- We’re Getting Wired, We’re Going Mobile, What’s Next? - Fresh Ideas for Educational Technology Planning (Bard Williams) (2004)
- 2. What's Next? - A Look at Trends in Education
- Didaktik der Notebook-Universität - Mobiles Lernen auf dem Digitalen Campus (Michael Kerres, Marco Kalz, Jörg Stratmann, Claudia de Witt) (2004)
- New Tools for Back-to-School - Blogs, Swarms, Wikis, and Games (Educause Review October 2004, Volume 39, Number 5) (2004)
- Going Nomadic - Mobile Learning in Higher Education (Bryan Alexander)
- Going Nomadic - Mobile Learning in Higher Education (Bryan Alexander)
- SIGCSE 2004 - Proceedings of the 35th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 2004, Norfolk, Virginia, USA, March 3-7, 2004 (Daniel T. Joyce, Deborah Knox, Wanda Dann, Thomas L. Naps) (2004)
- Experiences with a tablet PC based lecture presentation system in computer science courses (Richard J. Anderson, Ruth E. Anderson, Beth Simon, Steven A. Wolfman, Tammy VanDeGrift, Ken Yasuhara) (2004)
- Experiences with a tablet PC based lecture presentation system in computer science courses (Richard J. Anderson, Ruth E. Anderson, Beth Simon, Steven A. Wolfman, Tammy VanDeGrift, Ken Yasuhara) (2004)
- Tablet PCs in schools - A review of literature and selected projects (BECTA) (2005)
- mLearn 2005 - 4th World conference on mLearning (Tom Brown, Herman van der Merwe) (2005)
- Interactive Logbook - a Mobile Portfolio and Personal Development Planning Tool (Dan Corlett, Tony Chan, Jeffrey Ting, Mike Sharples, Oliver Westmancott)
- Interactive Logbook - a Mobile Portfolio and Personal Development Planning Tool (Dan Corlett, Tony Chan, Jeffrey Ting, Mike Sharples, Oliver Westmancott)
- Tablet PCs in schools - Case study report (BECTA, P. Twining, E. Evans, D. Cook, J. Ralston, I. Selwood, A. Jones, J. Underwood, G. Dillon, E. Scanlon) (2005)
- K-12 One-to-One-Computing Handbook - A complete resource for policy makers, school boards, superintendents & the K-12 community (Cathilea Robinett, Marina Leight, Carol Malinowski, Jodie Butler) (2005)
- Unterrichtskonzepte für informatische Bildung - 11. Fachtagung Informatik und Schule der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) in Dresden (28.-30. September 2005) (Steffen Friedrich) (2005)
- Singapore Tablet PC Program Study - Volume 1: Technical Findings (SRI International, Marie A. Bienkowski, Geneva Haertel, Ryoko Yamaguchi, Andres Molina, Frank Adamson, Lynne Peck-Theis) (2005)
- One-to-one technology-enhanced learning - An opportunity for global research collaboration (Tak-Wai Chan, Jeremy Roschelle, S. Hsi, Kinshuk, Mike Sharples, Tom Brown, Charles Patton, J. Cherniavsky, Roy Pea, Cathleen Norris, Elliot Soloway, N. Balacheff, Marlene Scardamalia, Pierre Dillenbourg, C. Looi, M. Milrad, Heinz Ulrich Hoppe) (2006)
- E-Learning - Eine multiperspektivische Standortbestimmung (Damian Miller) (2006)
- College students’ acceptance of Tablet Personal Computers - a Modification of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model (Mark J. Moran) (2006)
- Handbook of Research on Literacy in Technology at the K-12 Level (Leo Tan Wee Hin, R. Subramaniam) (2006)
- 1-To-1-Learning - Laptop Programs That Work (Pamela Livingston) (2006)
- 10. 1-1 Tablet PC Programs that Work (Dave A. Berque, Pamela Livingston)
- SketchMap - Supporting Children in Drawing 'Personal Environment Maps' (Pamela Ravasio, Vincent Tscherter, Masanori Sugimoto) (2006)
- How I Work - Not much of a paper chase for Microsoft's chairman, who uses a range of digital tools to do business. (Bill Gates) (2006)
- Handbuch Neue Medien (Clemens Hueffel, Anton Reiter) (2006)
- SketchMap - A Collaborative Tool to Learn Basic Cartographical Concepts (Pamela Ravasio, Vincent Tscherter, Hitoshi Enjoji, Masanori Sugimoto) (2006)
- Tablet PC - Changing the Way Students Learn and Teachers Teach at Villa Duchesne/Oak Hill School (Stephanie Moore, Claudia Dicken) (2006)
- An Evaluation of a Broad Deployment of DyKnow Software to Support Note Taking and Interaction Using Pen-Based Computers (Dave A. Berque) (2006)
- A Collaborative Undergraduate Course for Pen-based Computing using Tablet PCs (Daniel G. Aliaga, Gustavo Rodriguez-Rivera, Dongyan Xu) (2006)
- Tablet Technology - More than Digital Ink from a "Pen" (Kenneth Collura) (2006)
- TabletPC as E-Chalkboard Within an Extended Classroom Environment (Chi Thai) (2006)
- The Impact of Tablet PCs and Pen-based Technology on Education 2006 - Vignettes, Evaluations, and Future Directions (Dave A. Berque, Jane Prey, Robert H. Reed) (2006)
- 1. Student Minds and Pen Technologies - A Wonderful Pedagogical Marriage (Joel Backon)
- 2. The Case of the Missing Ink (Barbara Weaver)
- 3. Classroom Presenter - A Classroom Interaction System for Active and Collaborative Learning (Richard Anderson, Ruth E. Anderson, Oliver Chung, K. M. Davis, Peter Davis, Craig Prince, Valentin Razmov, Beth Simon)
- 4. Pushing Forty (Courses per Semester) - Pen-Computing and Dyknow Tools at Depauw University (Dave A. Berque)
- 5. The Tablet PC as a Platform for Screencasting Lectures (J. Edward Carryer)
- 6. From «Chalk and Talk» to Animate and Collaborate - DyKnow-Mite Applications of Pen-based Instruction in Economics (Mary Dixon, Kerry Pannell, Michele Villinksi)
- 7. Interactive Assistive Technology - A Preliminary Analysis of the Use of DyKnow Vision and Wacom Graphire3 4X5 USB Tablets in a Special Education Teacher Preparation Course (Marisa E. Exter, Theresa A. Ochoa)
- 8. Homework and Digital Ink - A Comparison of Three Methods for Handwritten Homework Exchange Using a Tablet PC (Ken Graetz)
- 9. Interactivity in the Lecture Theatre (Lillian Greenwood, Paddy Haughian)
- 10. Use of Pen-based Technology in Calculus Courses (John R. Hubbard)
- 11. Use of Handwriting Input in Writing Instruction for Japanese Language (Reiko Itoh)
- 12. The Calf Path - One University's Experience with Pen-enabled Technologies (Terry James, Jan Hill, Charlotte Cone, Sherri Latimer)
- 13. GeoPad - Tablet PC-enabled Field Science Education (Peter A. Knoop, Ben van der Pluijm)
- 14. Development of a Tablet-PC-based System to Increase Instructor-Student Classroom Interactions and Student Learning (Kimberle Koile, David Singer)
- 15. Integrating Emerging Technologies throughout the Geology Undergraduate Curriculum - Using Tablet PCs, Wireless Networks, and Digital Geospatial Data in the Classroom, Lab, and Field (Mark Manone, Paul Umhoefer, Paula Garcia)
- 16. Tablet or Laptop? - Does the Pen Matter, and If So, in What Way? (David Mutchler, Zachariah Chambers, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, Shannon Sexton, Julia Williams, Meredith Zoetewey)
- 17. Evaluation of the Deployment of GoBinder on Tablet PCs as an Aid to Student Note-Taking and Organization (Mark Payton)
- 18. Integrating the Tablet PC into an English-Computing Learning Community (Christelle Scharff, Eugene Richie, Jonathan Hill)
- 19. Integrating Tablet PC Technology into the Dimensions of Learning Pedagogical Framework (Craig Scott, Pamela Leigh-Mack, Jumoke Ledeji-Osias, Nykia Jackson, Solomon Alao)
- 20. A Case Study of Pen-enabled Technology in a Sixth-Grade Math Class (Kay Sloan, Jennifer Borse)
- 21. Using Tablet PCs in Management Education to Facilitate a Student-based, Interactive Learning Environment (Gino Sorcinelli, Mei-Yau Shih)
- 22. Using Dyknow Vision Software and Pen-enabled Computers to Increase Class Participation (Scott M. Thede)
- 23. Implementing Tablet Computers in the Technical Communication Classroom - Measuring the Impact of Mobility on Communication Skills (Julia Williams, Shannon Sexton)
- Beyond the Desktop Metaphor - Designing Integrated Digital Work Environments (V. Kaptelinin, M. Czerwinski) (2006)
- 7. Supporting Activity in Desktop and Ubiquitous Computing (Stephen Voida, Elizabeth D. Mynatt, Blair MacIntyre)
- 7. Supporting Activity in Desktop and Ubiquitous Computing (Stephen Voida, Elizabeth D. Mynatt, Blair MacIntyre)
- ICER 2006 - International Computing Education Research Workshop 2006, ICER '06, Canterbury, UK, September 9-10, 2006 (Richard J. Anderson, Sally Fincher, Mark Guzdial) (2006)
- Improving learning in CS1 via tablet-PC-based in-class assessment (Kimberle Koile, David Singer) (2006)
- Improving learning in CS1 via tablet-PC-based in-class assessment (Kimberle Koile, David Singer) (2006)
- Looking Beyond the Whiz-bang Technology - Using Mobile Learning Technology Tools to Improve Economic InstructioniD (Steven C. Myers, Daniel A. Talley) (2007)
- The Impact of Tablet PCs and Pen-based Technology on Education 2007 - Beyond the Tipping Point (Dave A. Berque, Jane Prey, Robert H. Reed) (2007)
- Evaluating the Symbiosis of DyKnow Software and Pen-Based Computing in the Rose-Hulman Classroom (Archana Chidanandan, Rebecca DeVasher, Patrick Ferro, David Fisher, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, Laurence D. Merkle, David Mutchler, Mario Simoni, Shannon Sexton, Anneliese Watt, Julia Williams) (2007)
- Implementing a Large-Scale Tablet PC Deployment (Joe Tront, Glenda R. Scales)
- Evaluating the Symbiosis of DyKnow Software and Pen-Based Computing in the Rose-Hulman Classroom (Archana Chidanandan, Rebecca DeVasher, Patrick Ferro, David Fisher, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, Laurence D. Merkle, David Mutchler, Mario Simoni, Shannon Sexton, Anneliese Watt, Julia Williams) (2007)
- Computer - September 2007, Volume 40, Number 9 (2007)
- Tablet PC Technology - The Next Generation (Jane Prey, Alf Weaver)
- Ink, Improvisation, and Interactive Engagement - Learning with Tablets (Jeremy Roschelle, Deborah Tatar, S. Raj Chaudhury, Yannis Dimitriadis, Charles Patton, Chris DiGiano)
- Facilitating Pedagogical Practices through a Large-Scale Tablet PC Deployment (Joe Tront)
- DeLFI 2007 (Christian J. Eibl, Johannes Magenheim, Sigrid E. Schubert, Martin Wessner) (2007)
- Notetaking in University Courses and its Implications for eLearning Systems (Jürgen Steimle, Iryna Gurevych, Max Mühlhäuser) (2007)
- Notetaking in University Courses and its Implications for eLearning Systems (Jürgen Steimle, Iryna Gurevych, Max Mühlhäuser) (2007)
- The Tablet PC Classroom - Erasing Borders, Stimulating Activity, Enhancing Communication (Judy Sneller) (2007)
- Emerging technologies for learning III (BECTA) (2008)
- Microlearning 2008 - Proceedings of the 4th International Microlearning 2008 Conference (Peter A. Bruck, Martin Lindner) (2008)
- Has the end of chalkboard come? - A survey about the limits of Interactive Pen Displays in Higher Education (Martin Ebner, Walther Nagler)
- Has the end of chalkboard come? - A survey about the limits of Interactive Pen Displays in Higher Education (Martin Ebner, Walther Nagler)
- Tablet PCs in K-12 Education (Mike Van Mantgem) (2008)
- A Bitter Pill to Swallow - The Rise and Fall of the Tablet Computer (Paul Atkinson) (2008)
- A Teacher's Dashboard - Monitoring Students in Tablet PC Classroom Settings (Chad E. Peiper) (2009)
- Handbook of Research on E-Learning Methodologies for Language Acquisition (Rita de Cássia Veiga Marriott, Patricia Lupion Torres) (2009)
- Konzeption und Erprobung des 'lernstick' im schulischen und ausserschulischen Umfeld (Stanley Schwab) (2009)
- Integration von Tablet PCs im Rahmen des Medieneinsatzes einer gymnasialen Oberstufe - Endbericht (Björn Eric Stolpmann, Stefan Welling) (2009)
- Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education 2009 (Cleborne D. Maddux) (2009)
- 4. Integrating Tablet Technology into an Elementary Mathematics Methods Course (Megan Burton)
- INFOS 2009 - 13. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule (21. - 24. September 2009 in Berlin) (Bernhard Koerber) (2009)
- Informatische Bildung im Primarbereich (Henry Herper, Volkmar Hinz)
- Informatische Bildung im Primarbereich (Henry Herper, Volkmar Hinz)
- Das E-Book im Klassenzimmer - Nutzenpotentiale digitaler Lesegeräte für Schülerinnen und Schüler (Judith Maria Schörghuber) (2010)
- M-Book - die Zukunft des Schulbuches? (Werner Hartmann) (2010)
- Lösen E-Books bald herkömmliche Schulbücher ab? - Medienwandel bei Büchern (Oliver Ott) (2010)
- Netbook-Einsatz bei Kindern - Evaluation von drei Schweizer Pilotprojekten (Urs Gröhbiel, Antje Nissler, Christoph Pimmer) (2010)
- 1:1-Ausstattung - Ausgabe 81 der Zeitschrift Computer + Unterricht (Jörg Stratmann, Richard Heinen, Ute Bienengräber) (2011)
- Tablet-PCs in der Schule - Einsatzmöglichkeiten und erste Erfahrungen (Björn Eric Stolpmann, Stefan Welling)
- Tablet-PCs in der Schule - Einsatzmöglichkeiten und erste Erfahrungen (Björn Eric Stolpmann, Stefan Welling)
- Das surfende Klassenzimmer - Tablet-PC statt Stift und Block (Manuel Köppl) (2011)
- iPads in the Classroom - A Development of a Taxonomy for the Use of Tablets in Schools (Sabrina Huber) (2012)
- Digitale Lernwerkzeuge (Jo Greubel, Julia Wiedermann) (2012)
- iPads in the Classroom (Wilma Clark, Rose Luckin) (2013)
- Framing ICT-enabled Innovation for Learning - The case of one-to-one learning initiatives in Europe (Stefania Bocconi, Panagiotis Kampylis, Yves Punie) (2013)
- Social Reading - Platforms, applications, clouds and tags (José-Antonio Cordón-García, Julio Alonso-Arévalo, Raquel Gómez-Díaz, Daniel Linder) (2013)
- SIGCSE 2013 - The 44th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE '13, Denver, CO, USA, March 6-9, 2013 (Tracy Camp, Paul T. Tymann, J. D. Dougherty, Kris Nagel) (2013)
- Measuring increased engagement using tablet PCs in a code review class (Wade A. Fagen, Samuel N. Kamin) (2013)
- Measuring increased engagement using tablet PCs in a code review class (Wade A. Fagen, Samuel N. Kamin) (2013)
- Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) - Lernen mit dem eigenen Gerät (Microsoft, Verband Schulleiterinnen und Schulleiter Schweiz) (2013)
- Revolutionizing Education with Digital Ink - The Impact of Pen and Touch Technology on Education (Tracy Hammond, Stephanie Valentine, Aaron Adler) (2016)
- 20. Impact of Undergraduate Tablet PC Use on Retention in STEM Majors (Carla A. Romney)
- 21. Analysis of Student Perspectives on Using Tablet PCs in Junior and Senior Level Chemical Engineering Courses (Enrique Palou, Zaira Ramírez-Apud, Nelly Ramírez-Corona, Aurelio López-Malo)
- 24. DYKNOW as a Tool for Differentiation - Exploring Alternative Ways to Assess in the Middle School Social Studies Classroom (Sara Mata)
- 20. Impact of Undergraduate Tablet PC Use on Retention in STEM Majors (Carla A. Romney)