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Status of Computer Science Education in Secondary Schools

One State's Perspective
Fadi P. Deek, Howard Kimmel
Zu finden in: Computer Science Education 2/1999 (Seite 89 bis 113), 1999
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New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) has convened the yearly Conference on Computer Science Education in the Secondary Schools since 1995 to discuss and carry out a systematic study of issues facing computer science education in the state of New Jersey. The goal is to address the implications of these curricular issues, identify the obstacles to classroom implementation, and to make suggestions for possible solutions. The outcome of these conferences is a clear indication that a seamless articulation between high-school programs and those at university level is of critical importance for secondary school educators and could serve as the foundation for implementing a computer science curriculum in the schools. This paper reviews the current status of secondary schools computer science education in the state of New Jersey and discusses curriculum guidelines formulated by conference participants, themselves classroom teachers. This work, along with previous curriculum re commendations reported in the literature, is intended to serve as the stepping-stone towards establishing and promoting computer science as a recognized discipline in New Jersey's secondary schools.
Von Fadi P. Deek, Howard Kimmel im Journal Computer Science Education 2/1999 im Text Status of Computer Science Education in Secondary Schools (1999)

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Curriculum / Lehrplancurriculum , Informatikcomputer science , Informatik-Unterricht (Fachinformatik)Computer Science Education , Schuleschool

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