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Swarm Robotics

Zu finden in: Elements of Robotics (Seite 251 bis 265), 2017 local web 
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Elements of RoboticsDistributed systems of multiple robots, called swarm robotics, are more robust than centralized systems consisting of single robots. The failure of one robot of a group need not prevent the others from performing a task. Furthermore, a group of collaborating robots can perform tasks that a single robot cannot. Swarm robotics is inspired by the behavior of colonies of insects such as ants and bees. Communications among the robots of a group can be direct, indirect (for example, by leaving markings) or physical. The BeeClust algorithm causes robots to cluster at areas of high sensor values by detecting collisions among them. The stick pulling algorithm demonstrates how two robots can collaborate to perform a task that neither could do alone. Occlusion-based pushing shows that a group of robots can collaborate even without explicit communications.
Von Mordechai Ben-Ari, Francesco Mondada im Buch Elements of Robotics (2017) im Text Swarm Robotics

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