Revisiting the Uniqueness of Simple Demographics in the US PopulationPhilippe Golle
Erstpublikation in: WPES’06, October 30, 2006, Alexandria, Virginia, USA.
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According to a famous study [10] of the 1990 census data,
87% of the US population can be uniquely identified by gender,
ZIP code and full date of birth. This short paper revisits
the uniqueness of simple demographics in the US population
based on the most recent census data (the 2000 census). We
offer a detailed, comprehensive and up-to-date picture of
the threat to privacy posed by the disclosure of simple demographic
information. Our results generally agree with
the findings of [10], although we find that disclosing one’s
gender, ZIP code and full date of birth allows for unique
identification of fewer individuals (63% of the US population)
than reported in [10]. We hope that our study will
be a useful reference for privacy researchers who need simple
estimates of the comparative threat of disclosing various
demographic data.
Von Philippe Golle im Text Revisiting the Uniqueness of Simple Demographics in the US Population (2006) Dieser wissenschaftliche Zeitschriftenartikel erwähnt ...
Aussagen KB IB clear | Daten lassen sich immer weniger dauerhaft anonymisieren |
Begriffe KB IB clear | Privatsphäreprivacy |
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