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Indigenous Peoples, Data, and the Coloniality of Surveillance

Donna Cormack, Tahu Kukutai
Zu finden in: New Perspectives in Critical Data Studies (Seite 121 bis 141), 2022 local web 
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New Perspectives in Critical Data Studies

In Aotearoa New Zealand (Aotearoa NZ), Māori (the Indigenous peoples of New Zealand) have long been objects of surveillance by state institutions and agents. State representations have centred on constructions of difference and deviance, on understandings of Indigenous peoples as dangerous, and on the management of Indigenous resistance to colonialism. This chapter considers how contemporary state surveillance practices in Aotearoa NZ, enabled by the expanded use of big data and linked government datasets, function to regulate and manage Māori. Through this lens, we explore continuities of current data practices for Indigenous peoples with the racialised logics and social orders set in place as part of global systems of imperialism and colonialism. Recognising that resistance has always been a part of Indigenous responses to colonialism, we also explore how Māori Data Sovereignty (MDSov), as part of broader Indigenous Data Sovereignty (IDS) movements globally, provides opportunities to counter and disrupt prevailing data relations and to imagine alternative futures.


  • Māori
  • Indigenous
  • Data sovereignty
  • Coloniality
  • Surveillance
Von Donna Cormack, Tahu Kukutai im Buch New Perspectives in Critical Data Studies (2022) im Text Indigenous Peoples, Data, and the Coloniality of Surveillance

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