What is ‘multi’ in multi-agent learning?Gerhard Weiß, Pierre Dillenbourg
Zu finden in: Collaborative Learning, 1999
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In Chapter 4, Weiss and Dillenbourg describe some mechanisms of learning in multi-agent systems. Actually, in the term 'multi-agent', we mainly discuss the prefix 'multi', i.e. what is really specific to multiple agents in comparison with single agent systems.
Von Pierre Dillenbourg im Buch Collaborative Learning (1999) im Text What do you mean by 'collaborative learning'? The importance of learning in multi-agent environments as a research and
application area is widely acknowledged in artificial intelligence. Although
there is a rapidly growing body of literature on multi-agent learning, almost
nothing is known about the intrinsic nature of and requirements for this kind
of learning. This observation is the starting point of this chapter which aims
to provide a more general characterization of multi-agent learning. This is
done in an interdisciplinary way from two different perspectives: the
perspective of single-agent learning (the ‘machine learning perspective’) and
the perspective of human-human collaborative learning (the ‘psychological
perspective’). The former leads to a ‘positive’ characterization: three types
of learning mechanisms - multiplication, division, and interaction - are
identified and illustrated. These can occur in multi-agent but not in singleagent
settings. The latter leads to a ‘negative’ characterization: several
cognitive processes like mutual regulation and explanation are identified and
discussed. These are essential to human-human collaborative learning, but
have been largely ignored so far in the available multi-agent learning
approaches. Misunderstanding among humans is identified as a major source
of these processes, and its important role in the context of multi-agent
systems is stressed. This chapter also offers a brief guide to agents and
multi-agent systems as studied in artificial intelligence, and suggests
directions for future research on multi-agent learning.
Von Pierre Dillenbourg, Gerhard Weiß im Text What is ‘multi’ in multi-agent learning? Dieser Text erwähnt ...
Begriffe KB IB clear | Agent / Botbot , Intelligenzintelligence , Künstliche Intelligenz (KI / AI)artificial intelligence , Lernenlearning |
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