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Teachers’ Perceptions of the Effectiveness of a Blended Learning Approach for ICT Teacher Training

Charalambos Mouzakis
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Journal of Technology and Teacher Education  Volume 16, Number 4The survey presented in this article examines teachers’ perspectives of the effectiveness of the European Pedagogic ICT Licence pilot test in Greece. A total of 51 primary and secondary education teachers participated in the study, immediately following the blended training course. Data were gathered using both quantitative and qualitative research techniques such us a questionnaire, a semi-constructed interview, and a focus group discussion. Five main scales, based on the current online and blended learning literature, were identified to assess the effectiveness of the blended training process. These scales were (a) the learning process, (b) the facilitator’s support, (c) the material, (d) the collaboration, and (e) the technology. In addition, a scale of satisfaction was included to measure the overall teachers’ perception of the course effectiveness. The findings indicated that the teachers were satisfied with both their participation to the course and the knowledge they acquired from the training. The results also emerged a number of issues that would improve the effectiveness of the EPICT course.
Von Charalambos Mouzakis im Journal Journal of Technology and Teacher Education Volume 16, Number 4 (2008) im Text Teachers’ Perceptions of the Effectiveness of a Blended Learning Approach for ICT Teacher Training

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Blended LearningBlended Learning , EPICT , LehrerInteacher , LehrerInnen-Bildungteacher training

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