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Improving Instruction by Improving the Use of Data

Using I-Pads for Classroom Observations
Carla J. Thompson
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Beat Döbeli HoneggerIn diesem Paper werden iPads zur Unterrichtsbeobachtung, aber nicht im Unterricht eingesetzt. Inhaltlich geht es um technology integration und teachers’ and students’ information literacy levels.
Von Beat Döbeli Honegger im Konferenz-Band ED-Media 2011 (2011) im Text Improving Instruction by Improving the Use of Data
Improving instruction by improving the use of data in decision-making incorporating IPads for classroom observations is the focus of this case study research effort in-progress (2010- 2011). The investigation is empirically connecting classroom observational data (retrieved by external trained observers using I-Pad technology) to student cognitive/affective data and to teacher professional development data using a Relational Feedback Intervention (RFI) Database Model. The RFI Model utilizes Multiple Regression Analysis to determine the effectiveness of the use of technology in instruction (classroom observational data) on student outcomes, technology acceptance levels, and technology integration in a high school setting. The RFI Model provides formative and summative feedback regarding technology integration within three curriculum areas: (a) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM); (b) Social Sciences (English, Humanities, and Related Subjects); and (c) Electives (Art, Music, Speech, Physical Education, and Related Subjects). Results and implications of the RFI Model for improving instruction will be presented.
Von Carla J. Thompson im Text Improving Instruction by Improving the Use of Data

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Beobachtungobservation , iPad , Schuleschool , TabletTablet

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LehrerIn, Tablets in education, Unterricht


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