The nature of evidence
a synthesis of meta-analysis
Zu finden in: Visible Learning, 2009
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This chapter outlines the methodology relating to the evidence used in the remainder of this book.The fundamental unit of analysis is 800+ meta-analyses and how the major results from these studies can be placed along a single continuum. The chapter then outlines some of the problems of meta-analyses, discusses some of the previous attempts to synthesize meta-analyses, and then introduces some of the major overall fmdings from the synthesis of the 800+ meta-analyses.
Von John Hattie im Buch Visible Learning (2009) im Text The nature of evidence Dieser Text erwähnt ...
Personen KB IB clear | Jacob Cohen | ||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | apple-and-oranges-Problemapple-and-oranges-problem , Effektstärkeeffect size , Effektstärken-Klasseneffect size classes , Flat-earth-Problemflat-earth-Problem , GIGO-Argumentgarbage in - garbage out argument , Kritik an Metaanalysen , Metaanalysemeta-analysis , Publikationsbiaspublication bias , Rückwärtsgewandtheits-Problem | ||||||||||||||||||
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