EvaluationZu finden in: Guide to Teaching Computer Science (Seite 165 bis 179), 2011
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Evaluation is one of the most common tasks teachers perform from the early stages of their professional development. This chapter highlights the uniqueness of learners´ evaluation in the case of computer science education, emphasizing that evaluation is not a target by itself, but rather, a pedagogical means by which (a) teachers improve their understanding of the current knowledge of their pupils, and (b) learners get feedback related to their own understanding of the learned subjects. The chapter also delivers the message that the theme of evaluation can be discussed in the MTCS course in different opportunities, for example, learners´ alternative conception, project-based learning, and types of questions. The topics on which this chapter focuses are tests, project evaluation and the use of portfolio in computer science education. We end this chapter by addressing the evaluation of the students enrolled in the MTCS course.
Von Orit Hazzan, Tami Lapidot, Noa Ragonis im Buch Guide to Teaching Computer Science (2011) im Text Evaluation Dieses Kapitel erwähnt ...
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