Wikiwijs: An unexpected journey and the lessons learned towards OERErstpublikation in: Open Praxis, vol. 6 issue 2, April–June 2014, pp. 91–102
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The Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has funded a five years program to encourage the use,
creation and sharing of Open Educational Resources (OER) by teachers from various types of education.
This program is known as Wikiwijs. Ultimo 2013, the program has come to an end. As some of the assumptions
at the start of Wikiwijs proved to work out in unexpected ways the lessons learned could fuel the next
steps in developing Wikiwijs. Besides, other national initiatives on opening up education1 may also benefit
from the lessons learned reported here.
The main conclusion from five years Wikiwijs was that to accomplish mainstreaming OER, the Wikiwijs program should go along with other interventions that are more oriented toward prescriptive policies and regulations. In particular: the Dutch government should be more directive in persuading executive boards and teachers on schools to adopt OER as an important part of educational reform and the acquisition of 21st century skills.
Von Robert Schuwer, Karel Kreijns, Marjan Vermeulen im Text Wikiwijs: An unexpected journey and the lessons learned towards OER (2014) The main conclusion from five years Wikiwijs was that to accomplish mainstreaming OER, the Wikiwijs program should go along with other interventions that are more oriented toward prescriptive policies and regulations. In particular: the Dutch government should be more directive in persuading executive boards and teachers on schools to adopt OER as an important part of educational reform and the acquisition of 21st century skills.
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Personen KB IB clear | Daniel E. Atkins , John Seely Brown , Allen L. Hammond | ||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | LehrerInteacher , Open Educational Resources (OER)Open Educational Resources | ||||||||||||||||||
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Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Schule, Unterricht |
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1 Erwähnungen
- Open Educational Resources in Deutschland - Entwicklungsstand und Perspektiven (Leonhard Dobusch, Maximilian Heimstädt, Jennifer Hill) (2015)
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