Calculating Networks: From Sociometry to PageRankBernhard Rieder
Zu finden in: Engines of Order (Seite 265 bis 304), 2020
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This chapter ventures into the f ield of network algorithms, using the
prehistory of Google’s PageRank algorithm to discuss yet another way to
think about information ordering. The chapter shows how algorithmic
ordering techniques exploit and integrate knowledge from areas other
than information retrieval – in particular the social sciences and citation
analysis – and demonstrates how the ‘politics’ of an algorithm can depend
on small variations that lead to radically different outcomes. The context
of web search means that the various techniques covered in the second
part of the book are brought together into a shared application space,
allowing for a more concrete return to earlier discussions of variation
and combination in software.
Von Bernhard Rieder im Buch Engines of Order (2020) im Text Calculating Networks: From Sociometry to PageRank Dieses Kapitel erwähnt ...
Personen KB IB clear | Albert-László Barabási , Yochai Benkler , Manuel Castells , Mark Granovetter , Kurt Lewin , Robert Putnam | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | co-word analysis , Google , Informationinformation , information retrievalinformation retrieval , Kontextcontext , Netzwerknetwork , Politikpolitics , social network analysissocial network analysis , Softwaresoftware , Zitationsanalysecitation analysis | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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