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Tabakindustrie-Lüge tobacco strategy

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Tabakindustrie-Lüge, Tabakindustrie-Strategie, tobacco strategy


Calling BullshitThe tobacco industry spent decades trying to sow doubts about the evidence linking smoking with cancer.
Von Carl T. Bergstrom, Jevin D. West im Buch Calling Bullshit (2020) im Text The Susceptibility of Science
Merchants of DoubtPaid experts produced fake research that was converted into talking points and memes, then repeated on television by paid shills and spread through social media and, when necessary, hammered into the public consciousness through paid advertising campaigns.
Von Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. Conway im Buch Merchants of Doubt (2010)
Post-TruthThe story begins at the Plaza Hotel in New York City in 1953. Here the heads of the major tobacco companies came together to figure out what to do in light of a devastating scientific paper that had recently been published linking cigarette tar to cancer in lab mice. The leader of the summit was John Hill, a legendary figure in public relations, who suggested that instead of continuing to fight among themselves over whose cigarettes were healthier, they needed a unified approach where they would “fight the science” by sponsoring additional “research.” The executives agreed to fund this under the auspices of Hill’s newly created Tobacco Industry Research Committee SCIENCE DENIAL AS A ROAD MAP 23 whose mission was to convince the public that there was “no proof” that cigarette smoking caused cancer and that previous work purporting to show such a link was being questioned by “numerous scientists.”
Von Lee McIntyre im Buch Post-Truth (2018) im Text Science Denial as a Road Map for Understanding Post-Truth


Post-TruthIn Merchants of Doubt, Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway trace the history of how the tactics cooked up by scientists at the Tobacco Industry Research Committee (TIRC) became the blueprint for science denial.
Von Lee McIntyre im Buch Post-Truth (2018) im Text Science Denial as a Road Map for Understanding Post-Truth
Post-TruthWhy search for scientific disagreement when it can be manufactured? Why bother with peer review when one’s opinions can be spread by intimidating the media or through public relations? And why wait for government officials to come to the “right” conclusion when you can influence them with industry money? All of this is of course shockingly cynical, yet it is only a stop on the road that today leads to post-truth.
Von Lee McIntyre im Buch Post-Truth (2018) im Text Science Denial as a Road Map for Understanding Post-Truth
Post-TruthAs Oreskes and Conway explain, this strategy was successfully employed in later scientific “disputes” over Reagan’s “Strategic Defense Initiative,” nuclear winter, acid rain, the ozone hole, and global warming. Some of the funding for these campaigns even came from the tobacco industry. By the time climate change became a partisan issue in the early 2000s, the mechanism of corporatefunded science denial was a well-oiled machine.
Von Lee McIntyre im Buch Post-Truth (2018) im Text Science Denial as a Road Map for Understanding Post-Truth
Post-TruthEver since the infamous internal memo written by a tobacco executive in 1969 which said that “doubt is our product since it is the best means of competing with the ‘body of fact’ that exists in the minds of the general public,” it has been clear what needs to be done. Find and fund your own experts, use this to suggest to the media that there are two sides to the story, push your side through public relations and governmental SCIENCE DENIAL AS A ROAD MAP 25 lobbying, and capitalize on the resulting public confusion to question whatever scientific result you wish to dispute.
Von Lee McIntyre im Buch Post-Truth (2018) im Text Science Denial as a Road Map for Understanding Post-Truth

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