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01. Die Wissenschaft beweist nie irgend etwas

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Eine kurze Geschichte der ZeitJede physikalische Theorie ist insofern vorläufig, als sie nur eine Hypothese darstellt: Man kann sie nie beweisen.
Von Stephen W. Hawkings im Buch Eine kurze Geschichte der Zeit (1988) im Text Unsere Vorstellung vom Universum auf Seite  24
Post-TruthNo matter how rigorously it might have been tested, every theory is “just a theory.”2 Because of the way that scientific evidence is gathered, it is always theoretically possible that some future piece of data might come along and disprove a theory. This does not mean that scientific theories are unjustified or unworthy of belief. But it does mean that at some point scientists must admit that even their strongest explanations cannot be offered as truth, but only strongly warranted belief based on 20 CHAPTER 2 justification given the evidence. This alleged weakness of scientific reasoning is often exploited by those who would claim that they are the real scientists—that if science is an open process, then it should not be in the business of excluding alternative theories. Until a theory is absolutely proven, they believe, a competing theory could always be true.
Von Lee McIntyre im Buch Post-Truth (2018) im Text Science Denial as a Road Map for Understanding Post-Truth auf Seite  19

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