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The Myth about Student Competency

Our Students Are Technologically Competent
Diana G. Oblinger, Brian L. Hawkins
Zu finden in: Digital Game-Based Learning (Seite 12 bis 13), 2006
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Informationskompetenzinformation literacy

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Do we have an operative definition of IT literacy? It can be easy to oversimplify IT literacy as the ability to use a computer and a search engine. Does the quality of different information resources matter? Has the institution discussed the new media and communication forms that have become part of our culture—multimedia, podcasts, Web sites, IM, and avatars? Is the institution defining IT literacy based on today’s tools (word-processing programs, spreadsheets) or on the activities they enable (communication, analysis)? As the world increasingly uses visualization, audio, and augmented reality, is the institution including these in the definition of IT literacy, or did it stop with keyboarding skills?
von Diana G. Oblinger, Brian L. Hawkins  im Journal Digital Game-Based Learning (2006) im Text The Myth about Student Competency auf Seite 13
What skills do students (and faculty) need in a digital world? A college/university education is designed to develop subject matter expertise, among other competencies. As more and more material is made available in digital form, IT skills become necessary to access and manipulate those information resources. But a college/university education also implies that students acquire other critical skills, such as information gathering, analysis, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Each of those can be facilitated by technology. Is the institution providing students with the tools, guidance, and practice they need? Can the students tell a legitimate source from one that is biased? Not to be forgotten are the ethics associated with ideas, information resources, and communication. In an age of cut-copy-and-paste, music downloads, and pirated software, do the students have guidance in applying the principles of academic honesty and respect to the digital world?
von Diana G. Oblinger, Brian L. Hawkins  im Journal Digital Game-Based Learning (2006) im Text The Myth about Student Competency

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