Social Media and AltmetricsAn Overview of Current Alternative Approaches to Measuring Scholarly Impact
Katrin Weller
Zu finden in: Incentives and Performance (Seite 261 bis 276), 2015
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This chapter describes the current state of the art in altmetrics research and practice. Altmetrics—evaluation methods of scholarly activities that serve as alternatives to citation-based metrics—are a relatively new but quickly growing area of research. For example, researchers are expecting that altmetrics that are based on social media data will reflect a broader public´s perception of science and will provide timely reactions to new scientific findings. This chapter explains how altmetrics have emerged and how they are related to the academic use of social media. It also provides an overview of current altmetric tools and potential data sources for computing alternative metrics, such as blogs, Twitter, social bookmarking services, and Wikipedia.
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Begriffe KB IB clear | Bibliometriebibliometry , Bookmarks / LesezeichenBookmarks , Datendata , Evaluationevaluation , facebook , ResearchGateResearchGate , ScientometricsScientometrics , social bookmarkingsocial bookmarking , social softwaresocial software , Twitter , Wikipedia , Wissenschaftscience |
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2 Erwähnungen
- Incentives and Performance - Governance of Research Organizations (Isabell M. Welpe, Jutta Wollersheim, Stefanie Ringelhan, Margit Osterloh) (2015)
- 7. Interrater Reliability of the Peer Review Process in Management Journals (Alexander T. Nicolai, Stanislaw Schmal, Charlotte L. Schuster)
- 8. The Use of Bibliometrics for Assessing Research - Possibilities, Limitations and Adverse Effects (Stefanie Haustein, Vincent Larivière)
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Social Media and Altmetrics: An Overview of Current Alternative Approaches to Measuring Scholarly Impact: Artikel als Volltext bei Springerlink (: , 145 kByte; : 2020-11-28) |
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