Peer InstructionTen years of experience and results
Catherine H. Crouch, Eric Mazur
Erstpublikation in: Am. J. Phys. 69 ~9!, September 2001
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We report data from ten years of teaching with Peer Instruction ~PI! in the calculus- and
algebra-based introductory physics courses for nonmajors; our results indicate increased student
mastery of both conceptual reasoning and quantitative problem solving upon implementing PI. We
also discuss ways we have improved our implementation of PI since introducing it in 1991. Most
notably, we have replaced in-class reading quizzes with pre-class written responses to the reading,
introduced a research-based mechanics textbook for portions of the course, and incorporated
cooperative learning into the discussion sections as well as the lectures. These improvements are
intended to help students learn more from pre-class reading and to increase student engagement in
the discussion sections, and are accompanied by further increases in student understanding.
Von Catherine H. Crouch, Eric Mazur im Text Peer Instruction (2001) Dieser wissenschaftliche Zeitschriftenartikel erwähnt ...
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3 Erwähnungen
- Classroom Response Systems - A Review of the Literature (Carmen Fies, Jill Marshall)
- Computer - September 2007, Volume 40, Number 9 (2007)
- Ink, Improvisation, and Interactive Engagement - Learning with Tablets (Jeremy Roschelle, Deborah Tatar, S. Raj Chaudhury, Yannis Dimitriadis, Charles Patton, Chris DiGiano)
- E-Learning zwischen Vision und Alltag - Tagungsband der GMW-Jahrestagung 2013 (Claudia Bremer, Detlef Krömker) (2013)
- ETH EduApp - Eine multifunktionale Mobilapplikation für die Hochschullehre an der ETH Zürich (Thomas Korner, Benno Volk, Marinka Valkering-Sijsling, Andreas Reinhardt)
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