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Exploring the Suitability of the Book Creator for iPad App for Early Childhood Education

Monika Tavernier
Zu finden in: Mobile Learning Design (Seite 249 bis 270), 2016 local 
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Mobile Learning Design

Handheld mobile devices are part of young children´s everyday life as they observe others use and engage with such devices. Early childhood education does not ignore the popularity of mobile touch devices and starts to investigate how tablets, especially iPads, can improve learning and teaching. This study examines if the ‘Book Creator App for iPads´ is a suitable app to enhance 3-6 years old children´s ability to express their ideas, creativity and illustrate their understanding of the world around them. Over a period of 12 weeks, a group of 3-5 years old children familiarized with the app, completed assignments and created sophisticated digital artefacts that included drawings, photos, voice and video recordings. These artefacts reflected their interests, cognitive abilities and level of fine motor skills.

Von Monika Tavernier im Buch Mobile Learning Design (2016) im Text Exploring the Suitability of the Book Creator for iPad App for Early Childhood Education

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Handheld / PDAHandheld , iPad , Kinderchildren , Kreativitätcreativity , Lernenlearning , TabletTablet

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