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Georeferenced Learning Activities: An Experience with Moodle

Juan P. de Castro, Adrián Rodríguez, María J. Verdú, Luisa M. Regueras, Francisco Merino, Ignacio Molina, Luis C. Pastor, José M. Ramos
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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This paper describes an experience with an e-learning tool for the organization of georeferenced activities. The idea arises as a result of the necessity to respond to the evolution of teaching methods, promoted by the quick progress of technologies and the new curricula. In this context, the treasure hunt game offers the possibility of combining the education out of the restrictions of the classroom, at the same time that it broadens the motivation and enthusiasm of both teachers and pupils. Thus, this work deals with the development of a new module for the educational platform Moodle that adapts the treasure hunt game to the technological and educational field by using mobile technologies. This e-learning solution provides some organizational and pedagogical advantages over the game in its traditional format, besides motivating and stimulating students.
Von Juan P. de Castro, Adrián Rodríguez, María J. Verdú, Luisa M. Regueras, Francisco Merino, Ignacio Molina, Luis C. Pastor, José M. Ramos im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Georeferenced Learning Activities: An Experience with Moodle

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E-LearningE-Learning , LehrerInteacher , Moodle , Motivationmotivation

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