Applying the Lens of Science Capital to Understand Learner Engagement in Informal Maker SpacesHeather King, Elizabeth A. C. Rushton
Zu finden in: Non-Formal and Informal Science Learning in the ICT Era (Seite 15 bis 31), 2020
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Opportunities for young people to participate in making activities—either within school-based learning or within the growing number of makerspaces being established outside of formal education—have increased dramatically in recent years. Whilst some have advocated young people’s participation in makerspaces as an opportunity to democratise access to STEM learning, it is also acknowledged that these spaces reproduce patterns of inequitable participation found in other science-related settings. An underpinning framework that builds on the concept of science capital and the principles of the science capital teaching approach may help a better understanding of this issue. Drawing on data from observations and interviews conducted in a UK-based makerspace, we argue that science capital pedagogic principles are evident in makerspaces and, when enacted, help to create an environment where young people feel valued and better able to participate in making and coding activities. We argue that small changes to practice in the design and facilitation of makerspaces could result in such spaces being more equitable and socially just.
Von Heather King, Elizabeth A. C. Rushton im Buch Non-Formal and Informal Science Learning in the ICT Era (2020) im Text Applying the Lens of Science Capital to Understand Learner Engagement in Informal Maker Spaces Dieses Kapitel erwähnt ...
Personen KB IB clear | Corinne Büching , Margaret Honey , David Kanter , Lee Martin , Julia Walter-Herrmann | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | kulturelles Kapital , Lernenlearning , maker movementmaker movement , Programmierenprogramming | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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