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«It Goes Around the World»

Children’s Understanding of the Internet
Sirpa Eskelä-Haapanen, Carita Kiili
Erstpublikation in: Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 14 (03-04), 175-187
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This study seeks to capture younger children’s understanding of the Internet as a complex technical and social environment. It also seeks to understand how children perceive the trustworthiness of information found on the Internet.
Von Sirpa Eskelä-Haapanen, Carita Kiili im Text «It Goes Around the World»
The Internet has become an important literacy environment, even for children. Therefore, building the foundations for their critical engagement with online information should start when they first enter school. One way to start is to help children build an understanding about the complexities of the Internet environment. The present study aimed at increasing our knowledge about children’s understanding of the Internet as a technical and social environment. It also explored how children perceive the trustworthiness of online information. The participants included 30 children aged 7–9 years. The children were interviewed and the data was analysed using content analysis. We share the results from the following perspectives: 1) children’s understanding of the Internet as a complex environment; 2) children’s perceptions of the benefits and risks of the Internet; and 3) children’s perceptions of the trustworthiness of online information. The implications of developing instruction to educate critical readers are discussed.
Von Sirpa Eskelä-Haapanen, Carita Kiili im Text «It Goes Around the World»

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Fehlvorstellungen bezüglich des Internets, Internetinternet, Kinderchildren

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