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Beats Biblionetz - Begriffe



The Age of Intelligent MachinesA landmark natural-language program, completed in 1970, that integrates the previously independent functions of reasoning, syntax, and semantics. It performed remarkably well in its own small domain of children's blocks.
Von Ray Kurzweil im Buch The Age of Intelligent Machines (1990)
Terry WinogradThe program carried out a dialog with a person (via teletype) concerning the activity of a simulated robot arm in a tabletop world of toy objects (often referred to as the 'blocks world'). The program could answer questions, carry out commands, and incorporatc new facts about ist world. It displayed the simulated world on a video screen, showing the activitjes it carried out as it moved the objects around.
Von Terry Winograd, Fernando Flores im Buch Understanding Computers and Cognition (1987) im Text Understanding language auf Seite  109

iconVerwandte Objeke

Verwandte Begriffe
(co-word occurance)

iconHäufig co-zitierte Personen

Stephen R. Graubard Stephen R.
Douglas Hofstadter Douglas
Philip E. Agre Philip E.
Terry Winograd Terry
Hubert L. Dreyfus Hubert L.
S. Dreyfus S.
Fernando Flores Fernando
Edward Feigenbaum Edward
Hans Moravec Hans

iconStatistisches Begriffsnetz  Dies ist eine graphische Darstellung derjenigen Begriffe, die häufig gleichzeitig mit dem Hauptbegriff erwähnt werden (Cozitation).


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