The Cinderella.2 ManualWorking with The Interactive Geometry Software
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Cinderella.2, the new version of the well-known interactive geometry software, has become an even more versatile tool than its predecessor. The geometry component extends the functionality to such spectacular objects as dynamic fractals, and the software includes two major new components: physical simulation such as of mechanical objects, virtual electronic devices, and electromagnetic properties. Cinderella.2 Documentation offers complete instruction and techniques for using Cinderella.2.
Von Klappentext im Buch The Cinderella.2 Manual (2012) Cinderella.2, the new version of the well-known interactive geometry software, has become an even more versatile tool than its predecessor. The geometry component extends the functionality to such spectacular objects as dynamic fractals, and the software includes two major new components: physical simulation such as of mechanical objects, virtual electronic devices, and electromagnetic properties. Cinderella.2 Documentation offers complete instruction and techniques for using Cinderella.2.
Von Klappentext im Buch The Cinderella.2 Manual (2012) Dieses Buch erwähnt ...
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