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Nothing Is Left To Tell

A Project by Emanuel Almborg
Jacinta Emilia Cosas ,  
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Nothing Is Left To TellIn the summer of 2010, artist Emanuel Almborg and a group of eleven people, strangers of varying ages and backgrounds, traveled together to a small island off the coast of Sweden. Their mission was to build a wooden structure over the course of their stay on the island without speaking and without any plan or blueprint.
The book features the fieldnotes and photographs of anthropologist Jacinta Emelia Cosas, who was invited to the island for 24 hours. Her notes, both observational and speculative, are written in an attempt to understand the nature and dynamic of the group and touch on larger questions about the relationship between language and community.
Nothing Is Left to Tell is edited by Jeff Kinkle and Emanuel Almborg and was inspired by their research into an experimental building project in Hackney, London, investigated in Andperseand’s previous publication The Rest Is Silence.
Von Klappentext im Buch Nothing Is Left To Tell (2011)

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