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The Cartoon Guide to Geometry

Larry Gonick , local 

Teil der Reihe The Cartoon Guide
Dieses Biblionetz-Objekt existiert erst seit April 2024. Es ist deshalb gut möglich, dass viele der eigentlich vorhandenen Vernetzungen zu älteren Biblionetz-Objekten bisher nicht erstellt wurden. Somit kann es sein, dass diese Seite sehr lückenhaft ist.


The Cartoon Guide to GeometryWhat's so funny about a trapezoid? Plus, what is a trapezoid? Cartoonist Larry Gonick unlocks the formula to understanding geometry in the latest entry in his New York Times bestselling Cartoon Guide series. For years, Larry Gonick's Cartoon Guide series has helped struggling high school and college students thrive in the most challenging courses. His books on algebra, calculus, physics, history, and many other subjects have sold millions of copies across the globe. Now Gonick turns his attention to the last big mathematical subject he has not yet covered: geometry. Moving from the most basic precepts of geometry--planes, lines, and points--to elaborate proofs, The Cartoon Guide to Geometry is a comprehensive primer on all the essential ideas of the subject: angles, triangles, area, similarity, and yes, the Pythagorean theorem. As with Gonick's other books, the material is carefully tailored to the curriculum standards and standardized testing guidelines of the subject, ensuring that students emerge from The Cartoon Guide to Geometry with a deep grasp of the key ideas. And Gonick's lively storytelling, wit, and beautiful art ensure that students will stay engaged with the material, as complex concepts are made clear.
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