New business models for reading in the cloud
José-Antonio Cordón-García, Julio Alonso-Arévalo, Raquel Gómez-Díaz, Daniel Linder
Zu finden in: Social Reading, 2013
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One of the most frequent technological opportunities of
the forthcoming years will be the hosting of corporate information
in cloud environments (storing and accessing data and applications
on the Internet). The development of the eBook as an increasingly
popular consumer option is in keeping with this situation in which
market movements make us aware of the quest for favourable
positioning both of the cultural industries and of other companies
that have been unimportant in the sector up to now, such as
bookshops, mobile telephony and technological companies, and
even global operators such as Google, each of which have been
involved in cut- throat competition to control the market. An analysis
is carried out of eBook business movements, which also involve a
complex network that brings together market strategies, owner
systems, on- line distribution and sales platforms, and also aspects of
reading habits and consumption. Although the eBook market is
insignificant in some countries, the opposite is true in a global
context and in particular in more advanced societies such as that of
the United States where several million eBooks have already been
sold. Companies in this field are not only concentrating on the sale
of reading devices, or even merely the sale of contents; their strategy
is both global and vertical and is based on scale economies, and their
objective is to monopolise each and every one of the links of the
publishing chain.
Von José-Antonio Cordón-García, Julio Alonso-Arévalo, Raquel Gómez-Díaz, Daniel Linder im Buch Social Reading (2013) im Text New business models for reading in the cloud Dieses Kapitel erwähnt ...
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Nicht erwähnte Begriffe |, Public Cloud, Schulbuch / Lehrmittel |
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