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Teacher Profiles for Planning Informatics Lessons

Ana-Maria Stoffers, Ira Diethelm
Zu finden in: ISSEP 2014 (Seite 150 bis 160), 2014 local web 
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Ira DiethelmChanging conditions and different educational concepts are widely spread problems of secondary education in Informatics. Due to this fact suitable teacher training can only be designed if the preconditions of Informatics teachers are being considered. Subjective theories play an important part in determining teachers´ lesson planning. In this qualitative study subjective theories of Informatics teachers about planning their lessons were examined. After a process of analysis and grouping of results five profiles could be established. They describe the variants of didactic structuring of teaching Informatics determined by varying subjective theories of the teachers. These differ in their perception of the teachers´ and students´ roles and in the explanations given for chosen teaching methods, contents and learning objectives. With these categories we could distinguish between ”the self-confident expert”, ”the student-oriented manager”, ”the creative pragmatist”, ”the inquisitive collector” and ”the prudent newcomer”.
Von Ana-Maria Stoffers, Ira Diethelm im Konferenz-Band ISSEP 2014 (2014) im Text Teacher Profiles for Planning Informatics Lessons

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