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Beats Biblionetz - Bücher

You Are Not Expected to Understand This

How 26 Lines of Code Changed the World
Torie Bosch, Kelly Chudler, Ellen Ullman , local 
Dieses Biblionetz-Objekt existiert erst seit November 2023. Es ist deshalb gut möglich, dass viele der eigentlich vorhandenen Vernetzungen zu älteren Biblionetz-Objekten bisher nicht erstellt wurden. Somit kann es sein, dass diese Seite sehr lückenhaft ist.


You Are Not Expected to Understand ThisFew of us give much thought to computer code or how it comes to be. The very word “code” makes it sound immutable or even inevitable. “You Are Not Expected to Understand This” demonstrates that, far from being preordained, computer code is the result of very human decisions, ones we all live with when we use social media, take photos, drive our cars, and engage in a host of other activities.
Everything from law enforcement to space exploration relies on code written by people who, at the time, made choices and assumptions that would have long-lasting, profound implications for society. Torie Bosch brings together many of today’s leading technology experts to provide new perspectives on the code that shapes our lives. Contributors discuss a host of topics, such as how university databases were programmed long ago to accept only two genders, what the person who programmed the very first pop-up ad was thinking at the time, the first computer worm, the Bitcoin white paper, and perhaps the most famous seven words in Unix history: “You are not expected to understand this.”
This compelling book tells the human stories behind programming, enabling those of us who don’t think much about code to recognize ist importance, and those who work with it every day to better understand the long-term effects of the decisions they make.
With an introduction by Ellen Ullman and contributions by Mahsa Alimardani, Elena Botella, Meredith Broussard, David Cassel, Arthur Daemmrich, Charles Duan, Quinn DuPont, Claire L. Evans, Hany Farid, James Grimmelmann, Katie Hafner, Susan C. Herring, Syeda Gulshan Ferdous Jana, Lowen Liu, John MacCormick, Brian McCullough, Charlton McIlwain, Lily Hay Newman, Margaret O’Mara, Will Oremus, Nick Partridge, Benjamin Pope, Joy Lisi Rankin, Afsaneh Rigot, Ellen R. Stofan, Lee Vinsel, Josephine Wolff, and Ethan Zuckerman
Von Klappentext im Buch You Are Not Expected to Understand This (2022)

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Sara Wachter-Boettcher

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InformatikerInnen prägen die Arbeits- und Lebenswelt vieler Menschen

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bitcoin , Computercomputer , Datenbankdatabase , GenderGender , Gesellschaftsociety , Informatikcomputer science , Programmierenprogramming , social media / Soziale Mediensocial networking software
Jahr  Umschlag Titel Abrufe IBOBKBLB
2017 local  Technically Wrong (Sara Wachter-Boettcher) 9400

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You Are Not Expected to Understand This: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (lokal: 7841 kByte)
You Are Not Expected to Understand This: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (lokal: PDF, 5466 kByte)

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