Understanding the Digital GenerationTeaching and Learning in the New Digital Landscape
Ian Jukes, Ted McCain, Lee Crockett
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Inspiring thoughtful discussion that leads to change, this provocative resource for teachers and administrators examines how the new digital landscape is transforming learners and learning. It makes the case for rethinking teaching processes in the face of these emerging developments within an environment of standards, accountability, and high stakes testing, and for providing informed leadership that supports 21st-century learning. The book provides strategies, ideas, and compelling viewpoints to help readers deepen their understanding of how educational thinking and instructional approaches must translate into relevant classroom experiences for today's learners. "Understanding the Digital Generation" describes implementing educational approaches that build critical thinking skills, and discusses the role of digital media and technology used by students and how that fosters the crucial development of new 21st-century fluency skills. In reader-friendly terms, the authors provide: a comprehensive profile of digital learners' attributes; an exploration of the concepts of 'neuroplasticity' and the 'hyperlinked mind'; an approach to educational models that support traditional literacy skills alongside essential 21st-century fluencies; and, an examination of appropriate methods of evaluation that encompass how digital generation students process new information. For staff developers leading study groups, this text provides powerful chapter-opening quotes, built-in questions, and additional tools to generate reflective dialogue and an open exchange of ideas.
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