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Applications of Rasch Measurement in Learning Environments Research

Robert F. Cavanagh, Russell F. Waugh , local 
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Applications of Rasch Measurement in Learning Environments ResearchMajor advances in creating linear measures in education and the social sciences, particularly in regard to Rasch measurement, have occurred in the past 15 years, along with major advances in computer power. These have been combined so that the Rasch Unidimensional Measurement Model (RUMM) and the WINSTEPS computer programs now do statistical calculations and produce graphical outputs with very fast switching times. These programs help researchers produce unidimensional, linear scales from which valid inferences can be made by calculating person measures and item difficulties on the same linear scale, with supporting evidence. These computer programs are now available to all Learning Environment researchers.
This book includes 13 Learning Environment research papers using Rasch measurement applied at the forefront of education with an international flavour. The contents of the papers relate to:
  1. high stakes numeracy testing in Western Australia;
  2. early English literacy in New South Wales;
  3. the Indonesian Scholastic Aptitude Test;
  4. validity in Learning Environment investigations;
  5. factors influencing the take-up of Physics in Singapore;
  6. state-wide authentic assessment for Years 11-12;
  7. talented and gifted student perceptions of the learning environment;
  8. disorganisation in the classroom;
  9. psychological services in learning environments;
  10. English teaching assistant roles in Hong Kong;
  11. learning Japanese as a second language;
  12. engagement in classroom learning; and
  13. early cognitive development in children.
This book would be of interest to all educators and educational administrators, to Learning Environment researchers and PhD students, and should be available in all university libraries where the universities have education schools or faculties.
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Problemlösefähigkeitproblem solving skills , Statistikstatistics

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