Technology-Enhanced and Collaborative LearningAffordances, approaches and challenges
Stewart Martin, Michele Notari
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Topics explored include technology-enhanced learning and student evaluations; student engagement and the perception of teaching quality; instructional design and assessment strategies; blended network and mobile technologies for enriching learning and for monitoring and assessment; and the motivations of students to engage with evaluation. Contributors examine issues such as the underlying variabilities in student evaluation of teaching; the implications of inherited cultural and pedagogic practices for educators using collaborative and blended learning; and the international empirical progress in research to understand and measure interactions between cognition, successful learning, and individual difference in technology-augmented settings.
This book will be an essential resource for international researchers and undergraduate and postgraduate students wishing to gain a deeper understanding of the leading perspectives and insights into technology enhanced, blended and collaborative learning, as well as for practitioners and policy makers interested in technology applications in education and training in varied pedagogical and cultural settings. This book was originally published as a special issue of Educational Research and Evaluation.
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